PKBase is like a wiki in web format, except that you also have an index on screen for your files. Most wikis store your data/documents in one directory. PKBase stores files in various subdirectories of your choosing. You may search your documents, or go to a specific directory/topic to see a given file.

Use Case

Here’s my use case for this software. I dump a lot of random information into my personal wiki, like details on appliances I’ve bought, cheat sheets for software I use, construction project details, etc. My wife can’t access this information normally (it’s on my personal machine), and doesn’t have the expertise to handle Vim or Vimwiki. Still, she might need access to some of this information. So I run PKBase on a web server on my machine, and she can surf to my webserver from her machine.



Create a directory under your webserver which will hold this software, and copy it there. Edit your config/config.ini. Change the following lines to suit your needs:

content_dir = /home/paulf/pkbase
site_title = "Paul's Knowledge Base"
slogan = "All you need to know..."

Any values after the equals sign which contain spaces must be enclosed in double quotes, as above.

You may now add content (files and subdirectories) to the content_dir you selected above. I keep content in my home directory, rather than under the webserver directory hierarchy. You’re free to choose differently.


The software displays a listing of the directories and files in your top level content directory along the left side of the page. You may click on any of these links to either view the file, or explore the contents of the directory.

Typically, it’s expected that you would manage your files in the editor of your choice. However, you can, instead, add, edit and delete files in this software. Towards the top on the right will be buttons which allow you to edit, delete and add files. Each takes you to a screen designed to handle that task. The operation is dead simple. After you’ve made changes, click the “confirm” button.

Adding a file requires you to select a “topic” or directory in which to put the file. It also asks you for an “extension” for the file. This can be .md, .otl, .txt or .html.

This software will display PDF files if you have them in one of your subdirectories, but you cannot edit or add them here.

There is also a “Topics” button on the upper right. This allows you to create a new subdirectory. For this, you must pick the directory this subdirectory belongs in.

For files and directories, you may use any characters you like. I typically use capitalized phrases which I’ll be able to easily recognize later. However, when the file or directory name is stored, any spaces will be turned into hyphens, and any non-alphanumeric characters will be removed. When the file or directory name is later displayed, The hyphens are turned into spaces again, and individual words are capitalized (“title case”). You are advised to follow these conventions if you create files in your editor. I haven’t tested the results if you don’t.

There is a “search” area in the upper right corner of the page. You may enter any search term there and hit the button. Documents which match your search will be listed, and you may click on one to see it.


You may use this software any way you like, and may modify it if you prefer. All the code is included. If you make changes and redistribute this software modified or unmodified to others, you are required to include your source code. The terms of your use are dictated by the GPLv2.

Technical Details

This application is written in PHP. It uses the Parsedown library to parse content in “markdown” format. It assumes markdown files have a .md extension. Markdown allows you to specify bold and italic text, various levels of headline, tables, and a variety of other types of formatting. It will also display Vim “outline” files with an .otl extension. It will also display files which have a .txt extension (plain text files). For the latter two, it will maintain the formatting in the file. You may also serve up .html files, which will be displayed as is.

Changes in Paul’s Knowledge Base Version 3

Removes the limitation of only using markdown files. Now you may use Vim outline files and straight text files, as well as straight HTML files. You may also view PDF files, but there is no provision for creating or editing them.

Removes the database portion of the software. This version scans your content directory on page loads, and creates its own in-memory index or your files and directories. In version 2, changes made to the underlying files could force a lengthy recreation of the database.

Eliminates the Table of Contents file used in Vimwiki to manage the whole collection of files.

Changes the left hand index to show the current level’s files and directories. You may click on a directory to see the files in it. This vastly simplified index processing.

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