History of Medicine
someone who exercises power by virtue of wealth

Our story starts with one John D. Rockefeller. He was a monopolist and America's first billionaire. By the turn of the 20th century, he controlled 90% of all oil refineries through his company, Standard Oil.

By this time, chemists were discovering that an abundance of chemicals could be made from oil. The first plastic, Bakelite, was created in 1907. It was even possible to make make drugs and other products from oil. In line with this possibility, Rockefeller invested heavily in German pharmaceutical giant I.G. Farben. He saw that if he worked things correctly, he could not only monopolize the oil industry, but the chemical and pharmaceutical industries as well. Any chemical discoveries could be patented and profited from. A windfall for someone who was already one of the richest men in the world.

And thus, a plan emerged.

There was a problem with medicine. Natural and herbal medicines where popular at the time. Half the doctors and medical colleges in America were practicing "holistic" medicine. Holistic medicine is concerned with the overall health of the person and all the factors which might contribute to ill health. A migraine headache complaint wouldn't just get a prescription for pain pills. The doctor might look into the factors in a person's life which might be influencing or causing their headaches.

If this type of behavior were to continue, it would cause resistance to Rockefeller's plan to monopolize medicine. Fortunately, he had a friend in Andrew Carnegie, another fantastically rich monopolist (his monopoly was in steel). Carnegie had a foundation, the Carnegie Foundation. Rockefeller and Carnegie devised a plan to send a man from the foundation named Abraham Flexner to the medical colleges and hospitals of America. He would survey them and report back.

The Flexner report was submitted to Congress in 1910. It indicated there were too many schools of medicine. Natural modalities were deemed "quackery". Homeopathy, osteopathy, herbal/botanical medicine and other were ridiculed.

Congress bought it. Congress agreed and mandated that only the American Medical Association could license doctors. Many medical schools were closed. Some doctors were jailed. In order to facilitate the takeover, Rockefeller gave more than $100 million to colleges and hospitals, and even founded a philanthropic front group call "General Education Board" (GEB).

Incidentally, Flexner believed that black doctors should only treat black patients. A number of black medical colleges were closed as a result of his report.

In short order, medical colleges were all teaching the same thing-- "allopathic" or "evidenced-based" medicine, in order to cast doubt on any other medical traditions. In this system, the practitioner identifies symptoms and prescribes drugs or surgery to eliminate or lessen those symptoms. Underlying causes are seldom addressed.

Rockefeller also arranged to give large grants for the study of plants. The question was, what plant chemicals were effective, and then how to create patent-able versions of these chemicals.

Ever wonder why your health insurance covers chiropractic in a limited way or not at all? Now you know.

The beauty of the allopathic medicine racket is that, because it focuses on symptoms rather than actual causes, it creates repeat customers.

Incidentally, the American Cancer Society was found in 1913 by Rockefeller. Imagine for a moment what would happen if someone actually found a cure for cancer. How many foundations and non-profits would go out of business? How many cancer doctors would have to pursue a different specialty? And what would the medical-pharmaceutical industry do to prevent such an event?

Here's a quote from John D. Rockefeller:

"I don't want a nation of thinkers. I want a nation of workers."

Obviously, I've barely scratched the surface of this grand conspiracy. But the above are the basic facts and long term effects of this strategy.