Photoshop In Web Design
(Information Technology,Programming)
Why is Photoshop expertise required in web developer jobs?
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MySQL vs PostgreSQL
(Information Technology)
In this post, I'm going to discourage you from using MySQL, in favor of PostgreSQL.
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Design Patterns
(Information Technology,Programming,Simplifying Technology)
Design Patterns are Way Nifty Kewl patterns of code which are supposed to facilitate certain types of operations. (Was that sarcasm you detected? Yes it was.)
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The REAL Initech
(Information Technology)
I wanted to tell you about an experience a friend of my recently had, that you might find amusing, or maybe just stunning.
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Cloud computing
(Information Technology,Simplifying Technology)
You've heard of "Cloud Computing". You may have wondered what it is or whether it's for you. Here's an explanation.
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